"Seyd in forme and reverence:" Essays on Chaucer and Chaucerians in Memory of Emerson Brown, Jr.
Friends and colleagues of Professor Emerson Brown, Jr., late of Vanderbilt University, remember his work and dedicate this festschrift to him in their scholarly essays. Edited by Tom Burton and John F. Plummer. 13-ISBN 978-0-8425-2631-9

A Garland of Medieval German Verse
Albrecht Classen's gathering of some of his favorite Middle High German texts.

A Garland of Medieval German Verse
Albrecht Classen's gathering of some of his favorite Middle High German texts.

A Little Gest of Robin Hood
This CD features a modern translation performed by Bob Frank, who accompanies the text with his guitar. Not a Chaucer Studio performance.

A Reading of Beowulf, Revised Edition
Prof. Edward B. Irving, Jr's great scholarly interpretation of the Anglo-Saxon epic Beowulf, completely reset and carefully revised by Paul Thomas, with a new preface by Katherine O'Brien O'Keefe and an appendix by Don Chapman on later scholarship.

A Student Guide to Chaucer's Middle English
Written by Professor Peter G. Beidler, Emeritus Distinguished Professor at Lehigh University, this user-friendly book will soon make better Middle English readers aloud of Chaucer's poetry.

Alan Gaylord Reads Chaucer: Miller's Tale and Friar's Tale
Our recording of the Friar's Tale has been combined with a reading of the Miller's Tale too by Alan Gaylord.

An Introduction to Medieval Music
On this recording, Linda Marie Zaerr and Joseph A. Baldassarre sing and play on a wide variety of authentic instruments from the medieval and early Renaissance period. The music and poetry of various European countries are represented in this recording.

An Introduction to Medieval Music
On this recording, Linda Marie Zaerr and Joseph A. Baldassarre sing and play on a wide variety of authentic instruments from the medieval and early Renaissance period. The music and poetry of various European countries are represented in this recording.

Anelida and Arcite
One of Chaucer's early works about another Arcite than the one in the Knight's Tale who loves a faithful woman named Anelida. Here read by Helen Cooper who recently retired as Head of Medieval and Renaissance Literature at the University of Cambridge.

Beowulf: A Dramatic Reading in the Original Language
This is a complete dramatic recording by a group of readers from various nations (Canada, US, and Australia) of the entire text on the Old English epic on three CDs.

Carmina Burana
This performance by Eberhard Kummer took place at the Adel Church during the July 2012 International Medieval Congress, held at the University of Leeds. Eberhard Kummer lives in Vienna and has performed and sung many medieval works for The Chaucer Studio.

Chaucer Aloud: The Varieties of Textual Interpretation
This version incorporates the original sound recordings by many Chaucerian scholars at the appropriate sections in the audio book. Betsy Bowden reads her own writing; Paul Thomas reads excerpts from authors, poets, and scholars.

Chaucer Aloud: The Varieties of Textual Interpretation
This is the 2nd edition of Betsy Bowden's book originally published in 1982 by U Penn Press. Please click on the first paragraph of Long Description to receive your download of Readings by Scholars, representing the Varieties of Textual Interpretation.

Christianity & Culture Conference, 2004: Performances in the Canterbury Cathedral Crypt
This recording features performances by Tom Hanks, Helen Cooper, musical selections by Paul Bracken, and a reading by the late Derek Brewer.